Uncategorized Changing the paradigm: catching up with ETIM representative Rui Monteiro It has been well over a year since the AGEFE, the Portuguese association for wholesalers…ETIMOctober 4, 2021
Uncategorized Revision release ETIM BMEcat guideline 5.0 Today we published a revision release (5.0.1) of the ETIM BMEcat guideline version 5.0. The…ETIMAugust 24, 2021
Uncategorized ETIM BMEcat certification tool upgraded to guidelines version 5.0 After releasing the new major version 5.0 of the ETIM BMEcat guideline on the 30th…ETIMAugust 20, 2021
Uncategorized ETIM BMEcat guideline 5.0 now available! As of now, the new major version 5.0 of the ETIM BMEcat guideline is available…ETIMJune 30, 2021
Uncategorized More efficient Master Data exchange and better data quality? We are working on it! Sometimes, developments seem to coincide so beautifully, one can’t help but act and create momentum.…ETIMMay 25, 2021
Nieuwsberichten “bSDD is all about optimum access to fragmented agreements” The long road to interconnectivity: buildingSMART to launch its new Data Dictionary In 2017, buildingSMART…ETIMApril 2, 2021
Uncategorized ETIM Sector Coordinator Terje Røising: “It all starts with connecting with the trade” Terje Røising has been active in the HVAC & Plumbing sector for over forty years…ETIMFebruary 18, 2021
Uncategorized Siemens joins ETIM International as Global Industry Member We are pleased to announce that electrical industry leader Siemens has joined ETIM International as…ETIMJanuary 14, 2021